About Humanists Alliance Philippines International
We are Humanist Alliance Philippines, International (HAPI), a not-for-profit community made up of progressive humanists from across the world, all of us united by common goals for the greater good of humanity.
Out of concern over the excessive influence that religiosity had (and continues to have) on the Philippines, HAPI was founded on December 25, 2013 in order to give a voice to Filipino humanists and secularists, arguably the most under-represented demographic in the country.
As HAPI launched on the first day of 2014, our aim was to prove that Filipino non-believers can organize and be a force for philanthropy, education, and genuine goodness.

Our vision is to make the Philippines a more humane society where secularism is upheld and humanist values are championed.

Our mission is to be a community of non-religious people to create an empowered Filipino society guided by our humanist values.

what we do
We campaign and advocate on humanist issues. Humanism is a response to the widespread demand for an alternative to dogmatic religion. HAPI offers a safe space of acceptance for those who want to break out of the cycles of forced tradition or religious oppression.
All About HAPI’s Logo
The anatomy of the HAPI Human by colors are as follows:
Red is secularism of the state
Yellow is advancement of reason and science
Orange is humane treatment and equality
Blue is respect for individuality and democracy
Green is the conservation and preservation of the environment.
The five fundamental areas that guide the project, campaigns, and initiatives of HAPI.