The HAPI Summer Class Program (HSCP) kicked off last April 27 at the UNFHAI Daycare Center, North Fairview, Quezon City and conducted a free seminar and orientation for the parents and guardians about Anxiety Disorder last Feb. 22, 2017. The main goal of this program is to ease the Anxiety Disorder in children ages 3-5 years old by developing their Social and Academic Skills through different teaching strategies.
Overwhelming Support
HSCP is the brain child of Ms. Jean Karla Tapao, HSCP’s head coordinator. It is a new program under HAPI-SHADE run by Ms. Marissa Torres Langseth, HAPI’s Founder and Chairperson Emeritus. Being a new program of HAPI, Ms. Tapao had initially planned to accommodate at least 50 pupils per day, with 25 pupils for the AM Class and another 25 pupils for the PM Class as an ideal starting class number. However, due to the public demand of parents, the registered pupils gradually rose to reach up to 191 students as the class opening approached. Due to this influx of registered pupils the program needed more volunteer teachers and shadow teachers, as well as financial assistance. Volunteer response has been and is highly appreciated and welcomed.
Setting up the Program
Ms. Tapao coordinated with Mr. Jayve French Marigondon, the founder of Milenyo Youth Council in North Fairview for assistance regarding volunteers.
The HSCP held several meetings last March and an orientation on the first week of April, about the HSCP, with the volunteer youths and teachers in preparation for the Summer Class Program.
Ms. Tapao also coordinated with Kagawad Giecel Espia, the Education Head Coordinator of Barangay North Fairview regarding the use of classroom facilities and additional school supplies to be used by the pupils and teachers.
HAPI is profoundly thankful for the financial assistance and support given by their generous donors in providing the pupils’ and volunteer teachers’ school materials and supplies for their learning and teaching needs.
We are also equally grateful for the hard work and patience provided by the volunteers.
In the words of Lt. Col. Jimmy Doolittle, “There is nothing stronger than the heart of a volunteer.”
A Highly Successful Program
The first week of the HAPI -Summer Class Program made a big impact within the barangay. Parents were very thankful and happy to see their children participating in the lessons, fun games and other activities. Feedback from parents have been mostly positive with more parents eager and willing to enroll their children in the program. As of writing, the total number of registered pupils within HSCP numbered up to 210. From the original schedule of an every Saturday class from April to May, HSCP added a Monday, Wednesday and Friday schedule to accommodate all the pupils.
Despite several difficulties in setting-up a new program. HSCP has proven to be a highly successful program.
“In every problem, there is a solution” – Ms. Jean Karla M. Tapao said.
Saturday AM Class
List of Students
Math / Arithmetic
A short meeting with the parents after class.
With Milenyo Youth Volunteers
HSCP Orientation with Volunteer youths and teachers.
April 15, 2017 at Milenyo Daycare Center