A Gateway to Imagination: HAPI’s Reading Room

The newly established HAPI Reading Room has generated great excitement among children and parents, particularly during events held on June 26 and 28, 2024, at the HAPI-Bulacan Headquarters. This space provides a nurturing environment that stimulates curiosity and critical thinking in children. Thanks to the Young Humanist grant awarded by Humanists International, the reading room was able to purchase new bookshelves, chairs, and tables, creating a more engaging learning environment. 

The HAPI Reading Room is a place where young minds explore new ideas and curiosity is allowed to grow. It is more than just a library, it has comfortable reading space, an extensive book collection, and interesting instructional activities. The headquarters is furnished to resemble a real school, which aids in improving students focus on their studies and other tasks. On Wednesdays and Fridays (and on the weekends sometimes), the Reading Room serves as a secular school. Instead of letting their kids play outside or at the irrigation where they may use the “piso net” for longer periods of time, parents would rather their kids spend time here. The school now has 35 pupils altogether because of the success of the lectures and activities.

The HAPI Reading Room is a place where young minds explore new ideas and curiosity is allowed to grow

The lectures are divided into three modules covering Diversity and Inclusion, Critical Thinking for Kids, and Introduction to Humanism. These topics help children develop compassion, empathy, and moral behavior, as well as critical thinking skills necessary for understanding the world. After classes, children receive nutritious food and drinks to help them focus and be more productive, and it provides an opportunity to promote social interaction and healthy eating habits.

The reading room is also used as a platform for talks and informational campaigns by members of the HAPI-Bulacan chapter and the local community. It offers a forum for talking about issues affecting the community. Future development will also be made, such as the addition of chairs, activity books, whiteboards for lectures, and cupboards to hold school supplies, art supplies, and art instruments. The HAPI Headquarters, be it a makeshift classroom for the kids, is a warm and inviting place for the community and youngsters to gather, demonstrating the advantages of humanism. The reading room will continue to serve the community’s needs as long as people believe in its potential, according to HAPI CFO Mutya Valenzuela.

“A lot of parents have been visiting the HAPI headquarters in the past few weeks asking if they can enroll their children too. We told them they could only after explaining the mission and vision of the organization and what we do,” Valenzuela shared. “It’s heartwarming to know that they don’t mind that we are non-believers, as they see that the children taught here are learning valuable life skills,” she added.

Since education is the most valuable tool young kids can have to confront the world—especially in light of today’s concerns like poverty, inequality, climate change, and other global issues—it is thought that the finest present these kids could receive would be education.

HAPI would like to express its sincere gratitude to Humanists International for their tremendous assistance. The learning area and environment for the kids and the community have been greatly enhanced by Humanists International‘s kind donation.

About the Author

Shawn Evans Quiming

Shawn Evans Quiming is the HAPI Web Manager. He is also a HAPIsko and a curious young mind.

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