As a teacher it has always been my goal to teach to the best of my abilities, regardless of the present situation and the lack of materials. It is a sad truth that teachers have to dig deep into their own pockets in order for them to deliver proper lessons to their students. For many years, I had to pay for the visual aids used in implementing the K to 12 program. Projectors and computers have been indispensable tools for delivering the much needed content to students.
With the formation of HAPI – Compre as one of the programs of HAPI – Cebu and the desire to teach students critical thinking skills, I expressed our need of a new computer for use in my students’ scientific research and Arlene’s social studies class. This desire, I expressed to Ms M. which she accepted with no reservations.
The exchange of chats started last year, from Ms M giving her old computer to the school to buying a new one. Since almost all of the teachers already had computers for use in their classes, additional computers would only entail additional maintenance, from software updates to proper use. I proposed the donation of a projector instead while keeping my fingers crossed for her agreement. Projectors are really expensive, but I never gave up hope so I created a “fund-me” account, however, help was rather lackluster.
One day, Arlene and I happened to stroll-in at one of the malls here in Cebu and we saw this mini-projector. I could not contain my excitement! I tested the projector and took pictures of it. That night, I took the time to research the specifics of the unit and to see whether the projector was really going to be worth it – so far it had good reviews.
The next day, I presented it to Ms M. who was ecstatic about it. It was a cheap projector, yet it would be very useful for our HAPI talks and critical thinking sessions. Together with Mam Frances Tomacruz and Ms M, we were able to buy not just one, but two mini-projectors that Arlene and I could use in integrating the HAPI – Critical thinking Syllabus to our class sessions.
Arlene and I would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Ma’am Frances Tomacruz and Ms M (Marissa Torres Langseth, HAPI Founder) . They did not hesitate in providing their assistance in the acquisition of the projectors. The two projectors will surely will be a great tool in our HAPI – Compre advocacy as well as for our students.