June 26, 2019
Bonifacio Global City, Taguig

Why are we celebrating pride? A lot of people and even part of LGBTQ+ still don’t understand the reason why do we have the pride celebration. I hope in this simple and short information, these people will have further understanding about pride.

This year marks the 50th anniversary of Stonewall Inn Riots on June 28 1969 which was considered to be the single most important event leading to the gay liberation movement and fight for LGBTQ+ rights. The month of June was chosen for pride month to commemorate the Stonewall Inn Riot. This is the reason why we are able to celebrate pride freely.

Pride is an important opportunity to rally, unite and raise awareness of diversity,inclusiveness and love. This year is the 25th Metro Manila Pride March with a theme of #ResistTogether as we continue the fight of resistance against prejudice, unjust discrimination and violence towards the LGBTQ+ community. It is more significant that we have a stance in fighting not for just equality but for our human rights.

From being a closeted lesbian who is afraid to accept my gender and judgment to coming out and acknowledging and accepting this is who I am. I have encountered and experienced discrimation,violence, been bullied, labelled as a mental sick person had led me to be an advocate and an activist. A lot of LGBTQ+ people are experiencing the same issues which is not openly being seen but I hope the recent incidents about LGBTQ+ will be an eye opener to people about us not being tolerated is okay enough but acceptance is what we need. And that is why we are celebrating PRIDE.

I am inviting and urging closeted LGBTQ+ to join the pride and let you know that you are not alone and we are together in this fight. To allies who has friends,family,colleagues, acquaintance of LGBTQ+ people to show their support and relish in love by having to attend the pride. You do not need to be gay to support equality you just have to be a human as what we always say.

As we celebrate PRIDE, we use the rainbow flag as LGBTQ+ Pride flag, a symbol for Lesbian, Gays, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning. The color of the rainbow flag reflects the diversity of the LGBTQ+ community.

We may define pride differently, since for others it is a celebration of LGBTQ+ social, self acceptance and sexual diversity and on the other hand it is a protest for demonstration of equality and human rights. Pride is a space created for LGBTQ+ people from the meaning itself and is only after acceptance from others that we begin to take pride in our identities and ourselves.

Love does not know no rules, it should not only be a man or a woman, its not who you love. Love is not about gender, love is who you love. It’s the fact that you love and knows how to love. LOVE IS LOVE

We may celebrate Pride but we have to be reminded that it is not just for a day or a month but continously. I BELIEVE AS WE CONTINUE TO SHOW SOLIDARITY WE HAVE THE POWER TO CREATE THE CHANGE WE NEED AND ACHIEVE IT.

Lastly, now as I was humbly appointed as Lead convenor of HAPI LGBTQ+ Affairs, giving my sincere gratitude for the opportunity provided and so thankful this organization for the unending support not only towards LGBTQ+ community but for other causes for greater humanity. I am HAPI to be a part of HUMANIST ALLIANCE INTERNATIONAL PHILIPPINES. I have been part of different organizations but in HAPI I found my home.

Happy Pride folks! Cheers!

– Ping James Baya, HAPI Lead Convenor for LGBTQ+ Affairs


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