Cover Photo (c) Nguyễn Hiệp on Unsplash
Blood donation is a vital part of healthcare systems worldwide, a silent yet profound gesture of solidarity and compassion.
Approximately 120 million units of blood are donated yearly, with 40 percent of these donations collected in high-income countries (as per the World Health Organisation). The Philippine Red Cross (PRC) has been a driving force in providing lifesaving blood products to over 79,634 patients between January and May 2023, averaging more than 500 patients per day according to their reports. These statistics underscore the importance of blood donation on a global scale.
They also show that the need for blood is constant and universal, transcending borders and socioeconomic divides. It is a fundamental human necessity that speaks to our shared vulnerability and interdependence.
On March 19, 2024, I had the opportunity to contribute to the lifesaving practice of blood donation. This act was part of our company’s blood donation drive, a collective effort to give back to the community that supports us.
As a Filipino, I am acutely aware of the challenges we face in healthcare.

The decision to donate was not made on a whim. It was a response to a growing concern highlighted by Phil De Franco in his report on the United States’ alarming 40% decrease in blood donors. This sobering statistic served as a poignant reminder of the global need for more individuals to embrace the humanistic values of compassion, empathy, and a commitment to the well-being of others.
As a Filipino, I am acutely aware of the challenges we face in healthcare. The process of donating blood is remarkably straightforward and poses minimal inconvenience or discomfort. Yet, the impact of this selfless act is nothing short of life-changing for those who rely on these donations to survive. From individuals battling various illnesses and injuries to those facing medical emergencies, every drop of blood donated has the potential to offer a lifeline to someone in dire need – a tangible expression of our shared humanity and the inherent worth and dignity of every human life.
The experience of donating blood is transformative.
The experience of donating blood is transformative. It’s a moment of introspection, a realisation of the impact one individual can have. It’s a testament to the power of collective action and the profound difference it can make in the lives of others.
My hope is that sharing my experience will inspire others to donate blood, be it for the first time or as a commitment to continuing this lifesaving practice. It is a quintessentially humanistic endeavour that affirms our common humanity and our capacity to alleviate suffering and enhance the well-being of others.