HAPI Jr. Health is Wealth Initiative – A Step Forward in the Right Direction

HAPI Jr. Health is Wealth Initiative – A Step Forward in the Right Direction

Angie Driskell
Oct. 15, 2020
Metro Manila

The HAPI Jr. Health is Wealth Intitiative was designed to be a series of events in various locations around the metro. The goal is to not only provide food items for children so they eat healthier, but also remind them to maintain proper hygiene as a method to fight COVID-19. Our first locations were Sta. Cruz, Manila and Caloocan City. We kept the number of participants below 30 in order to ensure they all received what they needed in equal amounts. We also wanted to avoid a mass gathering at either location.

How did we do it? With a little coordination and a lot of cooperation on the part of the parents and children. They were instructed to all stay home and the children were not allowed to leave their designated areas. Masks were also a must. No mask, no HAPI packages. This was our policy and it was followed with no problems. For this, we are so grateful to our contacts who helped coordinate the distribution of items.

Each child received mixed vegetables to cook at home with their parents or guardians. They also received soap with instructions for proper hand-washing, masks with instructions on how to properly wear them, and school supplies appropriate for each child’s grade level. Several received their vitamins on the day itself, but due to the shortage of particular vitamins before the event, the rest will be delivered before the end of the month.

We hope to complete the second event in a different location before the end of the year. We look forward to another smooth and organized collaboration wherever we may be allowed to distribute to children who need it. We are also determined to provide the children with a consistent calendar of events focused around health and well-being throughout 2021. This event was merely the first step towards that goal.

Thank you to HAPI for its help and motivation. Thank you to the volunteers and the parents who registered their kids. Let us never be too complacent and remain diligent in protecting the health of our children. Here’s to our health!

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HAPI Contributor
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