On my honor, I will do my best to magnify my role as a member of humanity.
I will seek out and implement opportunities to serve my fellow human being, and otherwise improve the human condition. I will not dilute my effort by contemplating the possibility of rewards for my actions in another plane of existence.
I will value, foster, and promote truth and the appreciation of truth in all things in order to find the reality of the human condition and those actions which might ameliorate the human condition.
I will repudiate and resist tyrants and dictators in every form, whether benevolent or malevolent, significant or insignificant, and I will challenge all self-proclaimed authority attempting to exercise unrighteous dominion over others. Any power influence exerted other than by persuasion, gentleness, meekness, and love unfeigned shall be resisted and condemned.
I will strive to leave the earth a better place than it is today, as my legacy to the next generation.
I will protect and defend my country and its constitutional safeguards of individual liberties and separation of church and state with my life and my vote, so that I may be morally awake to injustice wherever it occurs and foster freedom from religious oppression and intolerance.
Respect for others, Dignity for each individual, Compassion for those less fortunate, and improving the Self Image of each individual shall be the watch words of my conduct.
I will be honest, true, fair, and benevolent in my dealings with all people, and if there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praise-worthy, I will seek after those things.
I will strive each day to achieve Peace on Earth and promote Goodwill among all.
Adapted from the original version written by Raymond L. Ridge.